Tuesday, April 20, 2010

River Street

Another favorite place to go in downtown Savannah is River Street.  Shops and restaurants on one side, water on the other and old brick road in between. Charming.


But, let me tell ya something girlfriend...No trip to Riverstreet is complete without a stop at the Savannah Candy Kitchen.  yum!
When you walk in the door, free samples of pecan pralines are offered.  That will cure your sweet tooth, but will leave you salivating for all things sugary and sweet which are displayed in abundance throughout the shop.  You can watch them make all sorts of candy, including taffy with all the machinery.
One of their specialties are caramel/candied apples of every kind-

Yes, they taste as good as they look.  They also have an ice cream bar with the creamiest ice cream ever.  That's the dr's favorite.  

But my favorite are these-
Those are pecans.  On top are dips of caramel then chocolate. They'll break these off into candy pieces. I can't even compare these to turtles b/c they are far more divine than that. 
I bought some to savor while we strolled by the river but needless to say, devoured them before I got 10 ft from the exit.  

Talking about a kid in a candy store! This makes me go woo hoo! so I'm posting to Woo Hoo Wednesday over at Always Nesting. Thanks for the party Marla!


Anonymous said...

I'm so in! Love the photos and could do some serious damage in that candy store. Your photos are awesome. I want to reach into my monitor and take a bite out of a caramel apple. You and the dr are adorable!

Lynn said...

My daughter use to live in Savanah..but, I didn't make it there to see her when she did. It was only for a short period of time that she lived there. She told how beautiful it was there, and your picture's definately prove her absolutely right!! It looks to be soo gorgeous!! I'd love to go there sometime for a vacation!! Thank you so much for sharing!!

The candy apples look sooo delish!!

Have a great day!


Louisa Book Cottage said...

I have always wnated to go to Savannah! Your pictures really make me want to make it happen! They are beautiful! The candy looks awesome! You have a great blog and I look forward to reading your posts.
Come visit me @

Cindy said...

Oh my, that place looks absolutely divine!!! I so love chocolate! That photo of you and your doc is just so sweet, you are a very pretty little gal. Hugs, Cindy S

Ann @ makethebestofthings said...

Yum! Maybe I can have just one pecan/caramel/chocolate piece? Love your post!

Julie Harward said...

Hi there, I'm over from Marla's...love this place you live...there are so many wonderful places on this beautiful earth! I love those caramel apples but my fav are the pecans with caramel and chocolate! Thanks for sharing..you have a beautiful family and good luck to the doctor! :D

Anonymous said...

Tammy, thank you so much for linking to Woo Hoo! Wednesday. I'm thrilled that you joined us for the party. Hugs, Marla

Kat said...

Just one more reason to visit Savannah. I've always wanted to go, bet this would convince DH :) Fun post, definitely a Woo Hoo moment! Kathy

Anonymous said...

Looks like a beautiful place to be!

Richella Parham said...

I love Savannah! And that candy kitchen is really great--thanks for the trip down memory lane!

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

We live in the NW and have been planning a Savannah trip for about a year and a half....Hubbs is in sales....so, it's been postponed, but I'll remember this destination! I can't wait to see that lovely city.

Warm blessings,

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Ps.... I forgot to say I ADORE your front porch. It's sooo delish.


Kelly said...

I love your blog site, and I will be back to visit it.

Bonnie said...

I have always wanted to go to Savannah. It may happen this fall. I will look for the candy store. Great post.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Don't ya just love Savannah. I love to go there and yes I always stop in at the candy kitchen. I love those pralines! Your header looks exactly like a lady's house from RMS, Judith Zitiello. I love that porch and it is the same. Related or is your porch just like hers? Thanks for stopping by.

Cindy said...

Savannah is on my wish list of places to visit so I enjoyed the pictures. Thanks for visiting my blog so I could find yours!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy. Woo Hoo for the beautiful city of Savannah and especially the candy shop. I enjoyed your previous post and Happy Anniversary. A beautiful story in a beautiful city. I would love to go there and stay a long time. Thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods.

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

Nice photos..ya'll look so happy!
and all that candy! yum yum!

Denise said...

Yummy! :-) Great pictures too. Just wanted to say hi from Marla's Woo Hoo.

Granny Annie said...

I have to admit that all the luscious looking candy makes for a joyful woo hoo Wednesday.

Diana Ferguson said...

Hey there!! It's great to "meet" you. I am trying not to be jealous; I have always wanted to visit there. Someday I will -- I just know it!

Following you now.....

Come back to see me.

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Wow, what wonderful photos. Those apples look so DELISH! Looks like a great place to visit.

Thank you for commenting on my weight loss post, you are so sweet!

Have a great Thursday! ~Liz