So I made my weekly trip to Goodwill yesterday, I could actually go every day if time allowed. While pilfering through the linens, I saw this afghan. It scored points with me right away. #1- it was neutral, not a crazy mix match of colors, #2- the pattern was nice with long fringe on the ends, and #3- it was spotless.
Ok, let me find the tag. Sometimes GW overprices, sometimes not. There's the little tag in the midst of the crocheted loops, kind of hidden. You must be joking. $2.42?
It almost made me cry. Not because it was such a good deal (well kinda) but because of all the hard work and hours some kind soul put into making the thing and now here it is hanging among tattered and torn linens on a plastic hanger in GW. I remembered the countless hours my own grandmother spent making afghans. As a kid, I thought she was a genius for making something so grand out of a spool of yarn. I could sit and watch her crochet for hours. She has been on my mind a lot lately. I miss her so.
This afghan was probably either given or ineherited by a family member who saw no value in it. Did I need the afghan? Maybe not, but it went into my cart about as fast as I could jerk it off the rack. It needed saving from that ridiculous price!
Here's a nice comfy chair for you, little afghan. I think we'll enjoy having you around.Since this little afghan will bring us much pleasure, I'm linking up to Simple Pleasures over at Dayle's A Collection of This and That.