It's a gratitude giveaway! For details, see the bottom of this post.
Time for my blog to grow up, spread its wings and fly so we're saying goodbye here. But read on, there's a new beginning elsewhere.
Happy 1st Birthday blog!

When I first started blogging, I had no idea how to blog, why to blog or what to blog. I just knew I loved reading blogs and decided to start my own. It seemed appropriate at the time to write about our journey through med school. My husband decided after 5 years of practicing as a Physician's Assistant, he should go back to school. Actually, his story is amazing because his very first job was hospital maintenance, in layman's terms- a janitor. He always planned to become a P.A. but earned a nursing degree first to support himself through Well, marriage and kids slowed things down a bit but he has steadily reached his goals. Now he is on the last rung of the ladder. We sold out, moved away and started over. We've moved 3 times in the last 3 years and probably have 2 or 3 more moves to go. He will graduate in 2012. I am so proud of my very smart hubby. He has maintained a 4.0 since day 1. It's been a time consuming, money guzzling and family sacrificing experience. Whew! Waiting for the day I can say, "it was worth it."

After blogging for some time, I realized three things. One, this blog was my hobby, not my family's. Two, I am not a doctor. (wink) And three, the blog was mostly about my personal inspiration. I've put a lot of time into my husband's career/education and would do it all over again in a heartbeat. (I'm old fashioned like that.) We are a team. He's considered me every step of the way, always putting family first.
Love that man. But to be honest, he could care less about this blog. I have to
force ask him to read it. (Maybe he stalks it? Doubtful.)
So... I've made the decision to change the name of my blog. A reinvention of sorts. Not just the name but the location. I debated this quite a bit because it will be like starting a brand new blog. The title of my current blog attracts spam and probably frustrates those looking for medical advice or med talk. Duh! Didn't think about that one. Remember, this blog was going to be for us. I never imagined people would actually read it. I didn't even know one could google the title.
Enough of my rambling. My new blog is:

The story of the blog's name is posted
I'd be ever so humbled, ever so grateful, if you'd follow me right on over there.
Here's the Gratitude Giveaway-
A collection of Thanksgiving goodies. No, I did not get these on fall clearance. This has been ready to go for weeks but it took me a while to put together my new blog. ( Bless Marina's heart! She was so patient with me as I kept changing the design. Check out her fabulous work at
Penny Lane. )
The winner of this giveaway will recieve-
Ruffled Thanksgiving Apron
Mulled Spice Candle
Autumn Sticky Notes
Pumpkin Spice Pancake Mix
Thanksgiving kitchen towels
Gooseberry Patch Cookbook
Bath and Body Works Warm Vanilla Sugar Soap
White Pumpkin potpourri
Here's how to win- 1.Be a follower at
Beatrice Banks! Every follower will automatically be entered.
Find out a 2nd way to win at
Beatrice Banks.
Drawing will take place Friday Nov 12th.
I apologize in advance for your trouble to make this change with me. Thank you a million times over for all the encouragement, help and laughs offered a long the way. Making so many friends here, has been the most surprisingly awesome blessing ever! I hope you continue on with me. You are the best, dear friends!
Hugs and love,
Beatrice Banks
Butterfly photo by Butterfly Pictures